Welcome to the Laravel + Inertia.js + Vue.js SPA

A modern single-page application powered by Laravel, Inertia.js, and Vue.js.

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Features of this Project

User Authentication & Authorization

Complete authentication and authorization system for users with secure login.

CRUD Operations

CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) functionality for users and roles management.

Real-time Updates

Real-time updates using Inertia.js and Vue.js for dynamic content without page reloads.

Two-Factor Authentication

Enhanced security with two-factor authentication for user logins.

Browser Sessions

Manage user browser sessions for seamless user experience.

Full-Text Searching

Advanced full-text search functionality for finding content quickly.


Efficient pagination for large datasets, ensuring smooth navigation.

Multi Delete Users

Allows for bulk deletion of users in the admin panel.

Inertia.js Progress Indicator

Displays a progress indicator during page transitions with Inertia.js.

Font Awesome Icons

Using Font Awesome icons throughout the application for better UI elements.

Application Analytics

Integrated analytics to monitor the application's usage and performance.

User Default Profile Avatar

Default avatar for users when they don't upload their profile picture.

Technologies Used

Laravel Laravel
Inertia.js Inertia.js
Vue.js Vue.js